노무현 대통령 배너

2008. 5. 26. 13:44

ARM EABI crosscompiler using crosstool-0.42

Martin's crosstool bits

Last updated: 22 May 2006


If you're just looking for packages of prebuild crosscompilers, there are some in the packages directory.


I've been hacking crosstool to make it built an ARM EABI crosscompiler for the Debian ARM EABI architecture project, which requires as minimum versions of things:
  • gcc-4.1.0
  • glibc-2.4 with the ports collection and using NPTL for threads
  • binutils-latest, such as (the last official release, 2.16.1, is not recent enough) and
  • linux-2.6.16

Here are some bits:

Packaging crosstool's output

Here are two scripts to package crosstool output as a tarball or a Debian package
  • mktarball.sh makes a .tgz suitable for unpacking under / (or for Slackware)
  • mkdeb.sh makes a .deb package suitable for Debian (this uses mktarball.sh)
The packages install into the main system filetree without disturbing anything else, and give you cross-compiling tools called (for example) arm-crosstool-linux-gnueabi-gcc and so on.

To install one of the .debs on Debian, download it and say (e.g.)

dpkg -i arm-crosstool-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.1.0-glibc-2.4-crosstool_0.42-2_i686.deb
and to remove it again
dpkg -r arm-crosstool-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.1.0-glibc-2.4-crosstool


There are some prebuild crosscompilers in the packages directory.

In the filenames, the first part is the target architecture, while the final "_i686" or whatever tells you what they run on.


The stuff that used to be here about running the results under QEMU have moved to their own page.
Martin Guy <martinwguy@yahoo.it> If you found this useful, you can support me